Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hari2 yg mendebarkan...

Salam to all my friends.. 3 minggu ni adalah ari yg mndebarkan memikirkan final exam yg sgt2 lah mncabarkan kbiasaan aq utk jd sleeping beauty... hehehe... xpe2.. bkorban utk 4paper lg ok... dah tau time2 exam kan tp sempat lg g meronggeng kat karaoke giant smlm... hahaha... xde lah happening sgt tp skurg2nye lepas lah tnsion2 aq ngan member2.. especially Azwah. to my friend, sbar lah ek... yakinlah Allah mnjanjikan hkmah yg stimpal dgn ujian yg dberi ni... Insyaallah... dugaan time2 exam mmg sgt mncabar kan... tp mudah2an Allah tnjukkan kte smua jln utk mghadapi smua ni dgn tnang n Dia bg kte kekuatan lg.. today misi utama nak study utk paper HRM ok. jgn lupe still 3paper waiting for me after this... Chaiyok... hhmmmm ape lg ek... eh nk study lah jwbnye... hehe... see u soon my fwen... bye2...(^_^)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Salam... Hye kwn2... (^_^)v

Dah lama kan x dgr khabar... hopefully everything is fine for all of us... Insyaallah.. (^_^) baru2 ni sy bnyk sgt keje... agak bz lah katakn sbb stdy week pn ade assgnment.. OMG ape lah nak jd kan... heheh... xpelah, ape2 pn 2 lah tgas sbagai student kan... sometimes sbgai manusia aq xleh lari dri prasaan ptus asa.. Ya Allah ampunkan aq... aq cma inginkan keberkatanmu d dunia & akhirat... baru2 ni aq ada mslah ngan fmily aq... sdih sgt.. rse mcm aq d tnggal sowg2 oleh fmily.. aq xtau lah tp aq harap sgt Allah kuatkan lah semangat aq slepas ni... bnyk sgt mslah... now... i miss him so much.. tp xnk lah ckp bnyk sgt psal ni... kowg tau x, skang ni aq tnsion lg.. bru je td my friend call, kata2 die 2 wat aq trase kot.. mcm aq plak yg salah ble die xle wat keje die 2... mrh2 pas 2 ltak fon... Astagfirullah al azim... ampunkn aq ya Allah, aq dh ambil ati dgn shbtku sndri... btw, 27 ari blan ni first paper exam (human communication 2) wish me luck k friends... also i wish best of luck to all my friend OMB33A for our final exam.. mdah2an smua cabaran yg kta lalui sem ni mmbawa rahmat dlm result kte nnti... do ur best guys.... lastly, thanks yg sudi luang mase read my blog ni... love u all & have a nice day... Mmmuuuaaaahhhhhhhh....hehehe...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Syukur ke hadrat Ilahi... Informative speech dah lepas wlaupun not so great like others but still thanks to Allah... Now prepare for Quiz Integrated Software... huhu.. hopefully everything brjalan dgn lancar buat diri ini & member2 klas omb33A also fwen2 klas len at uitm Puncak Alam ni... ok guys... (^_^) especially for our final exam in 3 weeks from now on... chaiyok k... Anyway, this week & next week is the last week nak g class... excitednye nak abis sem3... huhu... ble plak nak abis blajar n keje pas 2 pgang duit sndri... hehe... duit3 je aq ni kan....